Saturday, June 28, 2008

Judge Chris Piazza Caves

It is no surprise that Judge Chris Piazza ruled against convening a grand jury to look at voter fraud allegations from the May Democratic primary. Perry County political antics are not new to former Pulaski/Perry County prosecutor Chris Piazza. He is familiar with the county and we would guess (and are working on confirmation) that he is a member at one of the hunting clubs in Perry County. He would just be one in a long line of prosecutors who have enabled the latest Perry County political machine to continue. Not only has he served as the prosecutor, but his wife, Melody Piazza served as the chief deputy prosecutor for the Pulaski/Perry County Prosecutor. How closely did she work with Judge Elizabeth Wise when they were at the prosecutor's office together?

We wish that Judge Piazza would recall the days that he helped speed the Steve Clark fall from grace when Steve had the audacity to run for governor in the nineties.

What past and future favors were called in to keep this case from going to a grand jury, we don't know. But we will be looking. What pressure was applied by the likes of Branscum and Johnson? We may never know, but based on past patterns, pressure in Perry County makes crimes as terrible as child rape go away.

It would be easy to apply pressure to make this go away. And in Perry County, when The banker, The sheriff, and The judge all call you and "encourage" you to think a certain way, that is powerful motivation.

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