Thursday, July 3, 2008

Election "Irregularities" in Perry County

The statewide newspaper reports today on the results of election monitoring in St. Francis County. the state board of election commissioners listed multiple violations of election conduct at polling locations in that county.

Those types of activities are nothing new in Perry County and in other counties across the state. The lack of punishment for those who commit election violations threatens the very idea of free and fair elections in Arkansas.

In Perry County:
1) Poll Workers routinely instruct voters not only how to use a ballot, but also who to vote for
2) Poll Workers have actually voted for voters in Perry County. In some cases when the voter is actually present. In other cases when they are not.
3) The voting machines do not have a certified "open" tally receipt and a certified "closed" tally receipt. What that means is that votes could easily be cast prior to the election day and counted on election night
4) Poll Workers have been known to call voters to remind them to vote in the election
5) Campaigning inside the polling location is not new to Perry County
6) Poll workers have been known to refuse to allow registered voters to actually cast a ballot in the county
7) No certified paper receipt of the voting tally from the electronic voting machine actually exists.
8) Poll Workers refuse to follow the state law that allows voters to change their voter registration information at the polls.
9) No level of security and chain of custody is followed in Perry County

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